
Tattoo Flash as Save the Date Cards

How cool is this? The lovely Jessica, whose wedding I shoot in Washington DC in April, sent me a copy of her Save the Date cards. They are based on and made to look like old school tattoo flash! I LOVE it! I am so in love with this idea (and yes, I Photoshopped out the date and her and her soon-to-be's last names...cause would you want your name plastered all over the internet?). I love tattoo's and just because you aren't completely inked up doesn't mean you can't love the art of the tatt. This is such a great way to show your personality and at the same time it is really sweet looking, kind of a little adorable and hardcore at the same time.


MystikMoon said...

Just wondering if you knew where she had them done. I am having my 10th wedding anniversary in January and it has a kind of rockabilly theme. I was really looking for something similar to this but have come up empty handed. If you now where she had them printed or of somewhere that does this kind of work I would greatly appreciate it!!

Layer Cake Films said...

Hello! I'm sorry, I don't know where she had them done. I know they are from the Washington DC area if that helps! I'm quite sure that is where they had them done though, and I think she may have designed a lot of it herself...